Wharton Club of Philadelphia - Networking or Network? - The Best Way To Build Your Business Tues 5/17 10am PDT

Date and Time
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
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Alissa Finerman

One career path taken by many is to hang out a shingle and start your own business.  At the outset, it is common to spend most of our time focused on what our service or product offering will be and who is going to buy it.  We take pride in our excellence, have passion for what we do for our clients, and are willing to work hard to build our business.  But there is more to building and running a business than doing outstanding work for your clients.  You first have to get those clients.  In this talk, Jay Kingley, co-founder and CEO of Centricity, will discuss marketing and sales strategies and the related tactics that make sense depending on your business.  Should you spend your business development time networking, building a network, or doing something completely different?  Centricity helps ex-corporate professionals turned consultants replace their income from their last W2 position within 12 months and then triple it by getting fully booked with clients at premium prices.

Jay Kingley WG88

Throughout his career, Jay Kingley has directed the marketing and business strategy for companies, ranging from solo practitioners to large multinational corporations.  Having played a lead role for over 35 years in business development, sales, and lead generation he has mastered the techniques of building long-lasting relationships required to grow businesses.  He has his undergraduate degree from Cornell and an MBA from Wharton with several successful start-up ventures under his belt.  Jay sits on several Boards of Directors and is often a guest speaker at industry events. 

We’ll have lots of time for your questions!  A recording of the call will be made available to everyone who registers.

Date and Time:
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 10-11am PDT

Wharton Club members:  Free
Non-members:  $10

Zoom Information provided with registration.

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Non - Members - Philadelphia - Networking or Network? Best Way to Build Business Tue 5/17 10am PDT
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Members - Philadelphia - Networking or Network? Best Way to Build Business Tue 5/17 10am PDT
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