E-Circle meeting, Thu 6/29, 12 Noon PDT

Date and Time
Thursday, June 29, 2023
12:00pm— 1:30pm
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Online event
Antonio DiCristo

E-Circle is an invitation-only group within Wharton So Cal who are either managing, planning on starting, or just plain interested in entrepreneur start-ups to the Circle. These meetings will be focused on helping Wharton start-up founders succeed.  This Entrepreneurial Circle has been modeled after the very successful C-Circle with the goal being to help all Wharton Alumni succeed in their own Entrepreneurial endeavors.

The Entrepreneurial Circle will involve the following ideas and experiences:

  • Group discussion on solutions to issues arising with current or planned start-ups
  • Group discussion on recommended best practices in start-ups
  • Peer review of strategic planning and execution of strategy
  • Speakers either related to start-up culture or who offer solutions to start-ups

Please check the criteria below.

Entrepreneurial Circle Criteria: 

  • Wharton Alumni
  • Paid member of Wharton So Cal
  • Living in the Southern California region
  • LinkedIn profile/general bio
  • Fee of $10 per meeting (for in person meetings only) (This will be used for club related activities.)

Interested members should contact Tony DiCristo [email]

Map & Directions

Online event

by public transit by car by bike Walking