How To Write and Publish Your Book, Wed 9/14, 3pm PDT

Date and Time
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
3:00pm— 4:00pm
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Virtual Event. Link will be provided after RSVP.
Alissa Finerman

VIRTUAL MEETING - This is not an in person event.  This is a Zoom event.

Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm PT
Zoom: Information to be sent to Registrants

The book publication world has changed drastically over the past few years, and if you're not a big-name CEO, a celebrity, or don't have some tantalizing scandal to write about, agents won't be knocking on your door. Publishers will be giving the big cash advances to someone else. The answer is simple: Self-Publishing. Join best-selling author Charlie Jett who will discuss the ins and outs of self-publishing – he's "been there – done that."

We all have a book inside - maybe a memoir, an irresistible love story, a tantalizing "who dunnit?" or a book to support your business.

Whatever it is, it's aching to get out.

Technological advances, the internet, artificial intelligence and vast resources have led to staggering growth in self-publishing vs traditional publishing. Putting it simply:

You just don't need the big publishers anymore!

Consider the following:

  • Self-published authors own the rights and royalties;
  • Without a big advance from a major publisher, the advantages of self-publishing greatly outweigh the disadvantages;
  • Self-publishing is probably the right path (97+% of the time);
  • While somewhat confusing, the path toward successful self-publishing is becoming easier.
Join best-selling multi-published author Charlie Jett as he shows you how to navigate the evolving and complex world of self-publishing. Charlie will cover the details of:

  • Writing Your Book – the wide variety of resources at your disposal including such technological advances as artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Safeguarding Your Book – the world of copyright.
  • Editing Your Book – put simply, if you don't edit . . . don't publish!
  • Publishing Your Book – choosing a publisher, layout, cover, format, etc.
  • Distributing Your Book – e-book, hardbound, paperback, retail outlets, or the "big gorilla" – AMAZON.
  • Marketing Your Book – Marketing is where you will spend most of your time if you want to sell your books. Releasing, publicity, promoting, etc.
  • Choosing a Publisher – There are many – some good, some not so good, some full-service, some al a carte.
  • Expected Costs – Self-publishing costs money – but there are ways to minimize costs.
  • Rewards – The world of royalties
  • Pitfalls – Potholes on the road to success
The path to writing and self-publishing your book is not easy, but for HBS Alumni, it's eminently do-able. If you've got a manuscript burning a hole in your pocket, don't wait. Self-Publish! Get started!

Virtual Event Access:
Details on how to join the discussion will be sent via email to all registered guests by Wednesday, September 14th at 9:00 AM.  The email will contain an additional Zoom registration step that must be completed in advance of the event start time to receive the meeting access link.

Free - WhartonSoCal and HBSAOC Members
$10 - Non-Members of Wharton SoCal/HBSAOC and Guests

Participants must register by September 13th to receive details on joining the discussion.

About the Speaker:

Charlie Jett, Professional Certified Coach
Charlie Jett is a best-selling author and is an international Professional Certified Coach (PCC) specializing in career strategies, career challenges, positive intelligence and writing/publishing books. Charlie is a former US Navy Nuclear Submariner and currently leads the Career Industry sector for the Harvard Business School Club of Chicago.  He is a former President of the Harvard Business School Club of Chicago.

About the Moderator:

Mia Saini Duchnowski, Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business
Mia Saini Duchnowski is a journalist, engineer and successful entrepreneur who currently is Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.  She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Harvard Business School Club of Chicago.

She double-majored in neuroscience and media studies at MIT and minored in civil engineering and media studies.  Her experience as a journalist is broad – having spent over three years with Bloomberg TV having responsibilities for global economics, political and business coverage.  Earlier in her career, Mia was a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs, working in hedge fund sales and marketing.  There, she helped establish strategic relationships with hedge funds representing over $1.2 billion in portfolio value.  Mia was named as one of Crain’s Magazine 40 Under 40 in 2020 and was the emcee for the 2020 TedX Wrigleyville event.  She sits on the Women’s Board of the Chicago Lincoln Park Zoo.


Contact Information

Primary Contact

(626) 427-2629
WhartonSoCal Contact:
Alissa Finerman

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HBSAOC - How to Write and Publish Your Book Wed 9/14 3pm PDT - WSC Non Members and Guests
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HBSAOC - How to Write and Publish Your Book Wed 9/14 3pm PDT - WSC Members
This ticket is for paid members of WhartonSoCal ONLY.