Penn Serves: BBQ and Games at The Richstone Family Program

Date and Time
Saturday, June 18, 2016
11:00am— 1:30pm
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Richstone Family Center

Join Penn Serves LA for a BBQ at Richstone Family Center. The Center is dedicated to preventing and treating child abuse, strengthening families and decreasing violence in families and schools through educational programs. 



Join Penn Serves LA for a BBQ at Richstone Family Center.  The Center is dedicated to preventing and treating child abuse, strengthening families and decreasing violence in families and schools through educational programs. 

Penn Serves alumni, family and students are invited to join the families at Richstone for fun and old fashioned games! Badminton, potato sack, bean bag toss and more! 

Come dressed for outdoor activity.

We will be setting up games for families to play. Please let us know if you can bring supplies for 

- Bean bag toss

- Water balloons

- Hop scotch

Or if you have other ideas for games to organize.

WHEN:  Saturday, June 18, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM (PDT)

WHERE:  Richstone Family Center - 13634 Cordary Avenue, Hawthorne, CA 90250 - View Map


This event is free of charge and hosted by Penn Serves LA



Or register manually

Map & Directions

Richstone Family Center

by public transit by car by bike Walking