CLV-based Corporate Valuation w/Professor Peter Fader

Date and Time
Thursday, October 13, 2016
5:00pm— 8:00pm
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Big Canyon Country Club
1 Big Canyon Dr
Newport Beach, CA 92660
United States
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pfaderheadshot.jpgProfessor Peter Fader will share how corporate valuations are quickly shifting from traditional models to one based on Customer Lifetime Value. Bankers, Private Equity executives, VCs and business owners will find this seminar highly informative.

Customer valuation: the time is now!

Marketers have been throwing around terms such as CLV, LTV, and a variety of other labels for customer valuation for several decades now. But besides a few notable applications it has been mostly “cheap talk” –  either an unfulfilled aspiration on the part of managers, or a "quick and dirty" analysis, lacking proper validation, that is used by a small group within the firm but fails to get traction across the organization.

Fortunately, these frustrating days are ending: customer valuation is finally coming to the forefront and it is here to stay.  A variety of factors are driving this change, including better customer-level data (far more timely, complete, and accurate than ever before); better computing and IT skills (enabling a broader set of managers to build and use these models), and a stronger competitive imperative (as more firms shift from product- to customer-centric thinking).  In this talk we will discuss this important trend, its implications for executives, and cover a few recent examples of companies (both B2B and B2C) that have used customer valuation in surprising ways and with compelling results.

Date: Oct. 13th 5:00 pm

Ticket details forthcoming. Seating will be limited to 14 people, so reserve early!

About our Speaker:

Peter S. Fader is the Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His expertise centers around the analysis of behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping/purchasing activities. He works with firms from a wide range of industries, such as telecommunications, financial services, gaming/entertainment, retailing, and pharmaceuticals. Managerial applications focus on topics such as customer relationship management, lifetime value of the customer, and sales forecasting for new products. Much of his research highlights the consistent (but often surprising) behavioral patterns that exist across these industries and other seemingly different domains. These insights are reflected in his book, “Customer Centricity: Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage.”

Professor Fader believes that marketing should not be viewed as a “soft” discipline, and he frequently works with different companies and industry associations to improve managerial perspectives in this regard. His work has been published in (and he serves on the editorial boards of) a number of leading journals in marketing, statistics, and the management sciences. He has won many awards for his teaching and research accomplishments.

In addition to his various roles and responsibilities at Wharton, Professor Fader is also co-founder of Zodiac (, a SaaS-based company that aims to make top-notch customer valuation models and insights easily accessible to a broad array of data-driven organizations.

Map & Directions

Big Canyon Country Club

1 Big Canyon Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking