Wharton OC Happy Hour - Bru Grill & Market, Mon 10/28, 530pm PDT

Date and Time
Monday, October 28, 2024
5:30pm— 7:30pm
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Bru Grill & Market in Lake Forest
23730 El Toro Rd
Lake Forest, CA 92630
United States
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Omar Shaikh

The Wharton Club of Southern California Orange County invites all members and non-members to join us for an Orange County Happy Hour at Bru Grill and Market in Lake Forest.  Come unwind after work and relax and reconnect with old and meet new friends.  GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade) alumni (W'15 and WG15 and later) and current students most welcome.  

What:  Wharton OC Happy Hour

Where:  Bru Grill & Market, 23730 El Toro Rd, Lake Forest, CA 92630

When:  Monday, October 28, 2024, 530pm - 730pm PDT

Why:  Socialize and network with your Orange County colleagues and friends for another Orange County Happy Hour!  GOLD (Graduates of the Last Decade, W15 and WG15 and later) alumni and current students most welcome.

Who:  Members, free with RSVP; Non-Members $15 with RSVP.  Limit one member ticket and one guest ticket.  Additional guest tickets available at the non-member price.

No Host Bar. Attendees pay for their food and drinks.  RSVP required; NO WALK INS allowed.


About the host:

Omar Shaikh WG22

Purchase Tickets

Or register manually

Regular Membership Bundle - Membership plus Member Ticket - Wharton OC Happy Hour - Bru Grill & Market, Mon 10/28, 530pm PDT
This ticket is for non-paid alumni (6 years plus) who want to purchase a 1 year auto renew membership and attend the event for the member price.
Recent Grad Membership Bundle - Membership plus Member Ticket - Wharton OC Happy Hour - Bru Grill & Market, Mon 10/28, 530pm PDT
This ticket is for non-paid Recent Grads (0-5 years) who want to purchase a 1 year auto renew membership and attend the event for the member price.
Non-Member Ticket - Wharton OC Happy Hour - Bru Grill & Market, Mon 10/28, 530pm PDT
This ticket is for non-members and non-paid members of WhartonSoCal and their guest. Both non-member and guest each must have a separate ticket.
Member Ticket - Wharton OC Happy Hour - Bru Grill & Market, Mon 10/28, 530pm PDT
This ticket is for paid members of Wharton SoCal ONLY and their guest. Both member and guest each must have a separate ticket.
Map & Directions

Bru Grill & Market in Lake Forest

23730 El Toro Rd, Lake Forest, CA 92630, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking