The Wharton Club of Southern California Orange County invites all members and non-members to join us for a post-Thanksgiving Happy Hour at The Country Club Bar in Costa Mesa, CA. Come unwind after work and relax after the busy Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping weekend and reconnect with old and meet new friends. Young alumni (W'18 and WG18 and later) most welcome. We are re-activating the pre-CoVid Orange County Happy Hour in a familiar location for Nov/Dec 2022 and 2023. Help us kick this new era off in style!
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What: Wharton OC Happy Hour
Where: Country Club, 330 E 17th Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (Indoors in the bar area)
When: Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 6pm - 8pm PST
Why: Socialize and network with your Orange County colleagues and friends after Thanksgiving and Black Friday and before the holidays!
Who: Members, free; Non-Members $15
No Host Bar. Attendees pay for their food and drinks. RSVP required; NO WALK INS allowed.