Wharton Women: Catalysts, Coco Brown, Wed 7/27, 530pm PDT

Date and Time
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
5:30pm— 6:30pm
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Online event
Sheila Bangalore

The Wharton Club of Southern California invites all members and non-members to this continuing series.  Catalysts represent leaders across different industries that continually drive change to enhance their business and community.  Wharton Women proudly sponsors this new virtual series designed to create and foster collisions through rich discussion.

When:  Wed, July 27, 5:30-6:30pm PDT

Where:  Online event (Zoom link will be sent to registered participants in advance of the event)

Cost:  Paid Members, Free; Non-Members, $10

The Catalyst:

Coco Brown, C'92

Coco Brown is a founder, CEO and Board Member.  She’s served as the CEO, COO and President of investor-backed, private companies and has extensive experience across professional/managed services and SaaS business models. Since 2013, Coco has served on 10 for-profit and non-profit boards as a member, advisor and committee leader, providing input and guidance around M&A, divestiture, audit, CEO succession and compensation, corporate strategy, financial planning, change management and more.  Coco’s passionate about helping people and organizations grow, and guides C-Suite and boardroom evolution. She advocates for “servant leadership” at every level and is committed to increasing diversity in every organization where she has influence. Coco’s a sought-after speaker and writer for a wide range of publications and has been quoted and featured in Bloomberg, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Fortune, InformationWeek, Nasdaq.com, The Street and the WSJ, among others. In addition to her myriad of accomplishments, Coco also founded and built Athena Alliance to help executives learn the speed of business, find community with their peers and access opportunities in the C-Suite and boardrooms.  Athena comprises 5,000+ members, partners and friends from hundreds of companies, including Amazon, Autodesk, Bank of America, Intel, Intuit, Microsoft, and the list goes on.

The Host:

Sheila Bangalore, WG21

As a board member, chief strategy officer and general counsel with a Wharton Finance MBA, Sheila Bangalore honed her legal/compliance, corporate strategy and governance experience over 20 years in senior roles across multinational, highly regulated, technology (B2B/C) and retail businesses, including Zappos, Bally Technologies, Aristocrat Gaming and MP Materials. Sheila’s results-oriented focus, collaborative style and ability to develop and lead high-performing, diverse teams enable growth and transformation.

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Non-Members - Wharton Women Catalysts, Coco Brown, 7/27, 530pm PDT
This ticket is for non-paid Members and Non-Members of WhartonSoCal.
Members - Wharton Women Catalysts, Coco Brown, 7/27, 530pm PDT
This ticket is for paid members of WhartonSoCal ONLY.
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