Personally identifiable information of Club Members, including member email, address phone numbers, and job information, is confidential and privileged. Misuse of such confidential information is a violation of policy and of these bylaws. Any use, transcription, or copy of such confidential information to promote or solicit Club Members is strictly prohibited and could result in expulsion from the Club, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Members will be given the option to share or not share their contact information with other members of the Club, the University of Pennsylvania, and/or the Wharton School. At no time shall the Club store credit card information, digitally or otherwise, of any person making purchases via the Club’s website. Member information will only be available to paid members of the Club via the Club’s website. This confidentiality policy shall be communicated to new Members and readily available for Members to review.
An essential part of the Club’s mission is to provide a forum for establishing relationships and networking among Members. Members must feel their interactions with other Members are driven by the common goals of education, growth and trust. The Club shall maintain a policy against solicitation of other Members to enhance trust between and amongst Members.
Solicitation of other Members to buy products, services, ideas or causes, however worthy or potentially of value to the solicited member, disrupts the atmosphere of trust. For that reason, solicitation of Members is prohibited. Violation of the policy can result in expulsion from the Club, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
The Club shall maintain a non-solicitation policy that prohibits solicitation while encouraging appropriate behavior for establishing relationships and networking among Members. This non-solicitation policy shall give examples of both acceptable and non-acceptable behavior with respect to communication amongst Members, and shall be communicated to new Members and readily available for Members to review.